We are looking for a webmaster take care of overall web and social media operations. Voluntary position initially. Yours is the overall responsibility for our website, to ensure that uptime, technical functioning, conversions, content etc. support the WAFA Awards operations.

OBJECTIVEYours is the overall responsibility for our website, to ensure that uptime, technical functioning, conversions, content etc. support the WAFA Awards operations.
Website maintenance
on-page SEO
adding / editing current page/s as and when needed (like posting a vacancy or launching a fundraising campaign)
Ensuring content is delivered for posting
SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE NEEDEDExperience in running websites using wordpress
SEO experience
Good but not essential, CSS and HTML experience
RESOURCES REQUIREDInternet computer, skype, zoom tools.
CONDITIONSThis position is voluntary.
WHERE CAN YOU DO IT?Work from home, Zoom meetings with Program Office team and management as well as occasional meetings in Copenhagen if you are located in the region.
WHO WILL YOU WORK CLOSELY WITH?CEO, Marketing Manager, Program Office, Applications team, Event content manager
TIMELINESImmediate start
WHO TO CONTACT Contact us via the Contact page
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