Tavan Tolgoi Tulsh LLC

Quick facts   Where in the world?            • XXXXX How did it start?     • XXXXXX How were they suffering? • XXXXX What did they do? • XXXXXX How did it turn out? • XXXXXXXX Ulaanbaatar city of Mongolia is one of the most polluted places in the world. Its...

Khatoon Sanaat.Co

Quick facts Where in the world?            XXXXX How did it start?     XXXXXX How were they suffering? XXXXX What did they do? XXXXXX How did it turn out? XXXXXXXX Burying, burning or storing waste are common methods. They haven’t totally proven effective as waste...

Forest of Memories

Quick Facts: Where in the world United Kingdom How did it start ? Many lost loved ones due to COVID19 How were they suffering? Difficulties dealing the bereavement. What did they do ? The initiative set up gardens of remembrance where people could have trees planted...

Eco-Green Africa

Quick Facts: Where in the world Abuja, F.C.T. Nigeria How did it start ? No recycling programs were in place and waste sorting was not practiced. How were they suffering? Waste was burnt up leading to air and water pollution as well as adverse human health outcomes....

The Butterfly Tree

Quick Facts: Where in the world Kazangula District, in the southern province of Zambia. How did it start ? Severe drought killed crops in remote rural areas dependent on subsistence farming. How were they suffering? Lack of income led to hunger, felling of trees and...

Lagos Food Bank Initiative

Quick Facts: Where in the world Nigeria, Lagos State How did it start ? Rapid urbanization is causing neighborhood decay. How were they suffering? In 2018, Nigeria was declared the world’s poverty capital and Lagos State produces less than 3% of its food needs....

Guru Arjun Samajik Pratisthan

Quick Facts: Where in the world India, Ahmednagar City How did it start ? COVID-19 Lockdown How were they suffering? Food & Health challenges. What did they do ? Cooked and distributed 531.000 food packets, water and Ayurveda herbal immunity boosting drink. Set up...

Momentum Trust

Quick Facts: Where in the world Kenya How did it start ? Uncultivated land around the village, not enough knowledge of food production. How were they suffering? Suffering from lack of food. What did they do ? Momentum Trust trained farmers in organic farming,...
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