AWARD Finalists 2010
Solvatten • 2nd prize
Water Purification (Uganda, Africa)
Solvattten is working in Uganda to improve the water supply of 200 rural families. Waterborne diseases afflict families and health services. Gathering firewood to boil water takes time from other essential tasks and accelerates deforestation.
The Swedish company produces a patented solar water purifier that also produces warm water. The purifier is gaining acceptance. Villagers report saving up to 21 hours a week with the device, and they are using 30-50% less firewood.

SADHANA FOREST • 3rd prize
Wasteland Reclamation (Auroville, India)
Sadhana Forest is creating a replicable model of wasteland reclamation and sustainable living in degraded land around Auroville, India. The water table was 26 feet below the surface and dropping every year. Rainwater-run-off washed away the topsoil. Farming was threatened.
The strategy curtailed water run-off and soil erosion with embankments and dams. Indigenous plantings created a sustainable ecosystem raised the water table and increased soil fertility.
40 acres now produce a wide variety of tropical fruit. Dozens of families are now increasingly food and cash crop production.