AWARD Shortlist 2010
Global Water Challenge
GWC seeks to accelerate the delivery of safe water and sanitation through partnerships that catalyze financial support and innovation for sustainable solutions www.globalwaterchallenge.org
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ZABU, Uganda
Droughts are increasing in East Africa because of climate change. Adopting sustainable farming practices requires community solidarity; however, youth prefer white-collar occupations.n.
By applying sustainable agricultural practices, a local farmer used the output of one sector to help another, thereby creating a virtuous self-sustaining agricultural cycle. The manure from dairy cattle, pigs and poultry enabled biogas production, which in turn provided energy for cooking and lightening. It also returned to the fields for mulching.
In a two-acre demonstration garden, sandy land has regained fertility over three years. Striga weeds, which impede cereal production, have become dormant. Since the mulching, maize production has risen from 600 kg per acre to 3,500 kg.