Volunteer Research and Application team coordinator

WAFA is looking for a coordinator for research and applications. You will coordinate, with the management team and program office, the team who works with applications, preparing the application forms, taking care of entries, checking and validating them and ranking...

Volunteers Research and Application team

WAFA is looking for a team members for research and applications. You will work with applications, preparing the application forms, taking care of entries, checking and validating them and ranking entries to be given to the selection committee. You will also work with...

Green Enterprise in India, Good for People, Good for Business

A Double Challenge Mr. Ramesh Kumar Nibhoria is concerned with three major problems in rural India. First, fossil fuels in kitchens and small industries cause a number of environmental and health problems. Second, they emit high levels of CO2. Burning post-harvest...

Tavan Tolgoi Tulsh LLC

Quick facts   Where in the world?            • XXXXX How did it start?     • XXXXXX How were they suffering? • XXXXX What did they do? • XXXXXX How did it turn out? • XXXXXXXX Ulaanbaatar city of Mongolia is one of the most polluted places in the world. Its...

Khatoon Sanaat.Co

Quick facts Where in the world?            XXXXX How did it start?     XXXXXX How were they suffering? XXXXX What did they do? XXXXXX How did it turn out? XXXXXXXX Burying, burning or storing waste are common methods. They haven’t totally proven effective as waste...

SEANET: Invigorating Communities with E-Learning Gardens in Kenya

SEANET was a WAFA finalist in 2014. Their project has been operating in Kenya since 2001, with the aim of creating a better learning environment both practically and digitally. THE PROJECT IN ACTION Food and water insecurity has often been an issue for sub-Saharan...

Tobacco Crop Replacement: A Win-Win for China

The problem In China, tobacco cultivation has posed a dilemma. On one hand, it has fueled a multi-billion dollar industry, employing over 20 million farmers and providing major revenue to the government. On the other hand, one million people die in China annually from...
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