WAFA Finalists 2018-19

Foundation for Waste (Fundación Basura)

Foundation for Waste (FFW) transforms landfill sites into constructive waste depots to facilitate recycling, reuse, composting, and behavior modification to create a zero-waste lifestyle. This shift reduces pollution and improves the environment. FFW works with large events to avoid the use of non-recyclable materials and then to recycle what is used. FFW has participated in more than 20 events, recovering up to 99% of the waste generated and preventing eight tons of carbon dioxide emissions. The web platform, “Basural.com” (dump site), disseminates creative, architectural art, and design projects using recycled materials. Online courses have enrolled 11,000 participants to date. The project collaborates with 55 organizations and has a social network community of over 32,000 members….

Waste Deposit & Recycling
11,000 trained

FUPROSOMUNIC – Family Health Program

FUPROSOMUNIC has mobilized community groups, largely women, to develop healthier lifestyles: constructing solar ovens and food dryers, as well as learning about nutrition, bio-intensive home gardening, water purification, child care, and other important topics. They have built over 745 solar ovens, diminished indoor air pollution considerably, and lessening deforestation. Successive health improvements have followed from nutrition training and the gardening program, which also generates household income….
Healthy Homes
745 Solars

Escuela Bosque. Un Programa Para La Vida

The project has two main goals. The first is to enable the community to grow its own healthy food year-round. The second is to create environmental awareness, particularly of water conservation. For this purpose, Escuela Bosque has organized workshops to teach students and families sustainable agricultural techniques, fertilizer production, and water resource management. Participants have planted a range of local foods and cleaned up natural water sources. Although the workshops target children, many families have replicated their success at home, producing their own food and selling the surplus The water quality has also greatly improved in the local reservoir, which is now a teaching site for water management s in the larger community….

Sustainable Agriculture and Water Conservation
Training and Workshops

Ace Africa’s Community Livelihoods Initiative

Since Ace Africa first engaged with Bungoma County, over 73,000 community members have established over 19,000 kitchen gardens. Over 20,000 community members have transitioned from food insecurity (one meal a day – or less!) to food security (three meals a day). Innovative, sustainable agricultural techniques have improved soil and water quality reduced groundwater contamination, and reduced nutrition-based diseases (night blindness, scurvy)….

Food Security
19,000 家庭菜园

Land for Life

Land for Life (LFL) promotes scientifically tested alley-cropping (planting trees in rows with the crops planted in-between) with nitrogen-fixing Inga trees. The system maintains soil fertility and ensures good harvests every year. It also breaks the slash-and-burn cycle, allowing families to gain long-term food security on a single plot of land (saving rainforests, wildlife habitats, protecting watersheds and soil). The Inga team has planted nearly 2 million trees in the last 6 years, transforming the lives s of over 240 families. The families now sustain themselves on their original land plots by growing organic nourishing food (beans, maize, rice) and cash crops like pineapple, turmeric, vanilla, and pepper. Participating families report increased incomes, improved livelihoods, and a more nutritious diet

Sustainable Agriculture and Water Conservation
Training and Workshops

Soil Fertility
2,000,000 Trees

The Fish Farm project

People and Planet Life Foundation (PPLF) has shifted the local economy from subsistence agriculture to aquaculture, in particular fish farming. The organization educates local women to run this business independently. Over 600 women have been trained, and 345 have established their own fish farms. In many cases household income has increased 60%. Of these 345 women, 231 have scaled up their endeavours by establishing additional aquaculture businesses. A fish farm ‘micro credit scheme’ developed in each community helps finance further aquaculture businesses.

Sustainable Run For Development (SURUDEV)

Land for Life (LFL) promotes scientifically tested alley-cropping (planting trees in rows with the crops planted in-between) with nitrogen-fixing Inga trees. The system maintains soil fertility and ensures good harvests every year. It also breaks the slash-and-burn cycle, allowing families to gain long-term food security on a single plot of land (saving rainforests, wildlife habitats, protecting watersheds and soil). The Inga team has planted nearly 2 million trees in the last 6 years, transforming the lives s of over 240 families. The families now sustain themselves on their original land plots by growing organic nourishing food (beans, maize, rice) and cash crops like pineapple, turmeric, vanilla, and pepper. Participating families report increased incomes, improved livelihoods, and a more nutritious diet

Sustainable Agriculture and Water Conservation
Training and Workshops

Soil Fertility
2,000,000 Trees

2018 Water Category Finalists

A Water Kiosk at School

ITF (International Transformation Foundation)

Nairobi, Bungoma and Siaya – Kenya

The project has set up a school-based, student-managed social business: water kiosks and refillable water bottles for community members. To date, the initiative has provided access to clean water for over 4000 students and 70,000 community members. Drip tap technology reduces water wastage by 90%. Safe drinking water contributes significantly to improved sanitation, health, and school attendance…

Safe Water
70,000 households


Rain Bounty – District Rainwater Harvesting

Mazhapolima, District Collectorate, Ayyanthole P.O, Trichur District, Kerala State, India

Mazhapolima replenishes groundwater in dug wells by harvesting rainwater runoff from rooftops during the rainy season. Participating households have found that ‘well recharging’ has put an end to water scarcity in the summer. To date, the project has installed over 30,000 rainwater collection and well recharging systems. Mazhapolima is now very busy installing new systems in response to strong demand, particularly in Trichur District…

Rainwater Collection
30,000 Well Systems


Water for Food, in the Sundarban coastal

Fondazione L’Albero della Vita (FADV) and its three local partners ACID, Prasari, Dalit

24 Parganas district in India; Satkhira district in Bangladesh

FADV and its partners have trained the Sundarban community in water management, innovative agricultural techniques for saline soil, and small animal breeding for alternative sources of income. The organizations have also installed infrastructure to control water flow and introduced water management technologies. Over 550 farmers in India and Bangladesh have been trained in water management techniques. River channels have been cleared and farm ponds constructed. A mangrove has been planted with 70,000 saplings in Gosaba and Hingalganj to prevent soil erosion and lower wind speed in the cyclone-prone region. Innovative agricultural techniques have been introduced like floating gardens and pitcher irrigation. The project has also developed livelihood options for women from ultra-poor households who do not own any agricultural land: through 57 self-help groups enrolling 684 members. The women have accessed credit to start income-generating activities. A market has been built in the villa

Water & Soil Sustainability 
57 Self Help Groups and 684 Members

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