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Ulaanbaatar city of Mongolia is one of the most polluted places in the world. Its citizens are greatly affected by the pollution such that it caused lung diseases and increased car crashes on roads when drivers can not see what’s in front of them due to the dense pollution.

The overarching goal of the initiative was to create an innovation that improves air quality in Mongolia and makes the country a better and healthier place for its citizens to live in.

The State Company, Tavan Tolgoi Tulsh, established the first and only factory in Ulaanbaatar city that makes improved coal briquettes, which reduces sulfur dioxide released from burning coal and consequently affecting air quality positively. The process replaces unprocessed coal with washed coal.

The initiative has directly impacted 1.5 million people and improved overall health in Ulaanbaatar city. Air pollution has been reduced by 50% and fewer road accidents occur due to better air transparency.