The WAFA Criteria

These criteria apply to all Award categories.

WAFA evaluates projects in the categories of water, air, and food across six criteria.
Each entry can earn points for each criterion which are evaluated equally.


The initiative demonstrates a positive and lasting social and environmental impact. It
answers the questions about whether the impact on the environment is at sustainable
levels or not. The criteria also considers the impact of the infrastructure used in the
project. In addition, SDG 15,14,13,12,9,7,6 are relevant factors, and any impact on them
will be considered during the evaluation.

The initiative is new and not seen before. The criteria answers the question of whether the
project introduces new or innovative technologies, models, or practices.

The initiative creates new opportunities for the affected communities. Therefore, it
evaluates questions about the ownership of the project. Is it owned by the community or
by a company, a cooperation or the government? Who is the company owned by?

The initiative has shown measurable environmental, social, and economic results for at
least two years, with significant potential for future impact. To what degree has the
initiative impacted the security of air, water, food and climate for the people it serves?

The initiative can be effectively used or applied in other communities, adapting its success
to different locations. To what degree can other groups in similar contexts replicate the
approach used by the initiative?

The initiative is capable of scaling beyond the original community. To what degree can the
approach used by the initiative be scaled to be applied to: A neighborhood, village/town,
municipality, county, nation, world.

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