WAFA Finalists 2017

Green Enterprise in India, Good for People, Good for Business

A Double Challenge Mr. Ramesh Kumar Nibhoria is concerned with three major problems in rural India. First, fossil fuels in kitchens and small industries cause a number of environmental and health problems. Second, they emit high levels of CO2. Burning post-harvest...

Tobacco Crop Replacement: A Win-Win for China

The problem In China, tobacco cultivation has posed a dilemma. On one hand, it has fueled a multi-billion dollar industry, employing over 20 million farmers and providing major revenue to the government. On the other hand, one million people die in China annually from...

School Water Kiosks – Empower the Community

WAFA finalist in 2016, “A Water Kiosk at School” project is a great example of the extraordinary results that can be obtained when two countries partner together. The International Transformation Foundation (ITF), a youth-led nonprofit organization based in Kenya,...

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