WAFA Finalists 2017
Green Enterprise in India, Good for People, Good for Business
A Double Challenge Mr. Ramesh Kumar Nibhoria is concerned with three major problems in rural India. First, fossil fuels in kitchens and small industries cause a number of environmental and health problems. Second, they emit high levels of CO2. Burning post-harvest...
Tobacco Crop Replacement: A Win-Win for China
The problem In China, tobacco cultivation has posed a dilemma. On one hand, it has fueled a multi-billion dollar industry, employing over 20 million farmers and providing major revenue to the government. On the other hand, one million people die in China annually from...
The Chiapas Water Project – Building Community in the South of Mexico
The Problem Water is a chronic issue in Chiapas State, particularly among the indigenous Maya communities. Periodic drought impedes agriculture, threatening the livelihood of millions. The consequent need to fetch water from long distances prevents women from...
Las bombas manuales sobre plataformas elevadas salvan vidas en India
El problema Las inundaciones son un problema recurrente en Uttar Pradesh, India. Cada año durante la época de lluvias, las lluvias torrenciales, tifones y la rotura de represas a menudo causan emergencias humanitarias; destruyendo casas, arrastrando tierra e...
School Water Kiosks – Empower the Community
WAFA finalist in 2016, “A Water Kiosk at School” project is a great example of the extraordinary results that can be obtained when two countries partner together. The International Transformation Foundation (ITF), a youth-led nonprofit organization based in Kenya,...