
“I firmly believe that global accessibility to uncontaminated water, clean air, and food is essential to pursue health and progress worldwide. Too often people take it for granted. It is important to realize that there are so many places around the world where these needs are not fulfilled, and where health and progress cannot be reached. WAFA reaches out and supports people who are working to guarantee access to these resources, and it’s an honor for me to help with this mission”.

Marta Volpi

Research and Applications Manager


Chukwudi Anyanaso – Executive Director, The People and Planet Life Foundation (PPLF)

We kindly want to let you know that we have received the Award money you sent. We confirmed that on Friday with our account Officer.
This money will enable us to scale up AVU Community Women Fish Farm adding additional 800 fish in their ponds and enabling them to extend the knowledge to 60 more rural poor women.
Meanwhile, we have been invited by the Imo State Government for a brief meeting on how to scale up the project across the 27 Local Government Areas of the State. We greatly appreciate WAFA’s effort in encouraging projects like ours, it is a wow!! an award that sparks the light in SDG projects.
Thank you a million times

The People and Planet Life Foundation (PPLF)
No 9 Olokoro Street Prefab Area 460001 Owerri
Imo State Nigeria

Mr. Shishir Bajaj, Silent Heroes Kamalnayan Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation

Allan Savory – Biologist, Ecologist

Former Member of Zimbabwe Parliament; Chair and Co-founder of the Savory Institute; international consultant on land restoration
“Winning the WAFA Award in 2014 has been a great boost for the Africa Centre for Holistic Management in Zimbabwe, and also to the Savory Institute – and in the long term, I would say, even more so for the whole world.”


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